Step by step instructions

How to Freeze Blueberries the Right Way!

How to Freeze Blueberries at home

You might come across many techniques and ways to freeze blueberries. Truth be told, there’s actually no right or wrong way to do it.

These antioxidant rich berries can last you for up to a year. However, it is best to consume them within 10 months of freezing them to enjoy the best flavor and texture.

...the right way. Using this easy method. 


How to freeze BLUEBERRIES

Cover a baking sheet (with a lip) with parchment paper.


How to freeze blueberries

DO NOT rinse your fresh blueberries or you will remove the bloom (a waxy coating that naturall protects blueberries).


How to freeze blueberries

Spread blueberries out on the baking sheet and freeze for 1-2 hours.


how to freeze blueberries

Once frozen remove the blueberries and store in a gallon sized freezer bag.

Loved how easy it was to freeze blueberries?

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I’ve spent the last decade teaching my followers how to prepare delicious, healthy meals using freezer recipes. Healthy cooking doesn't always mean hours in the kitchen.

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