Step by step instructions

12 Easy Recipes when you have no food in the house.

What should you eat when there is nothing in the fridge?!

If you live on a budget, as we do, then this is not a new concept for you.

One of the easiest ways to take all the stress off dinner and save tons of money is to meal plan. But who wants to spend time working through dinners and a grocery list.

Now lets get back to what you came for. How do you make dinner tonight?! With whatever you have on hand?!


Pick your main component to base the meal around.

Search through those empty pantries, the fridge and those far back corners of the freezer then move on to step 2!


Based on your main component pick a recipe below and (in the words of Tim Gunn) Make it work.

Its ok to use a recipe as a baseline or inspiration to then make something totally different.

Here are 12 easy recipes when you have no food in the house!


Here is a recipe as simple as three ingredients. BBQ sauce, fruit and pork. Throw it in the crockpot and call it a day. Super simple, super easy, and SUPER DELICIOUS!


My go to when I have leftover ham is soup! Plus I always seem to have extra potatoes lying around.

Want to learn 12 Easy Recipes when you have no food in the house?

I’ve spent the last decade teaching my followers how to prepare delicious, healthy meals using freezer recipes. Healthy cooking doesn't always mean hours in the kitchen.


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