How to Make Fluffy Stovetop Popcorn

Today lets talk about how to make fluffy stovetop popcorn!! YES!
If you want to start saving money, eating less preservatives and almost never run out of popcorn then you need this recipe in your life!
Imagine this, its late at night, the fire is going, the movie turns on and the last perfect piece is fresh popcorn.
The only problem is how to make it? For years I bought microwave popcorn. I just didn’t know what other options I had, besides buying a popcorn machine. And lets be honest, who has room in the kitchen for another appliance!
Its fluffy, crunchy, flavorful, low calorie, and very cost effective.
Stopetop popcorn has endless variations too! You can make stovetop popcorn sweet, with butter, coconut oil, olive oil, add some cheese, or herbs. Whatever flavors you can think of!
But besides the fresh flavor and texture my favorite thing about stovetop popcorn is that it is preservative free, non-gmo and organic. Many people start thinking high cost when they here some of these words but dont worry. Pure organic non-gmo kernals of popcorn is WAY CHEAPER then buying bagged popcorn!
If you want to see a chrt for how much money stovetop popcorn will save you then check out this post: 5 Reasons to start making stovetop popcorn!
But before we get to that let me answers some super common questions people have when it comes to making stovetop popcorn!
Buying organic non-gmo white or yellow popcorn works really well! There are small and regular kernals. Amazon has so many different kinds that all work great!
YES! I have a glass stovetop popcorn and the same recipe below works for gas or glass stovetops.
This depends a little on how much popcorn you are making. 2 tbsp of kernals will give you 4 cups of popcorn. We have a family of 5 so I use a large pot, but if your not making as much you could use a deep skillet or saucepan.
Yes. You can rip open the bag and cook the kernals as the recipe specifies below…but tbh if its microwave popcorn I would proble be to lazy to turn it into stovetop popcorn…
The trick is to make sure the lid on top of your popcorn is slightly open to let steam escape while all the popcorn pops. If not steam could change the texture of your popcorn.
If you left it out in open air for a while stovetop popcorn will get tough quickly. BUT there is a simple solution just keep your fresh popped popcorn in the freezer. It will not freeze but stay fresh and crunchy ready to be snacked on at any time.
The oil will change the taste of your popcorn. You also want to use a oil that can handle heat on the stovetop. If your looking for a sweet popcorn coconut oil is great, if you want a savory popcorn you can use coconut oil and a little butter, but my secret to stovetop popcorn is schmultz!
In all honesty you shouldn’t. It only takes a tbsp of oil for a large batch of popcorn so the extra calories or fat is very limited.
We love enjoying popcorn on movie nights and this recipe makes me feel a million times better about it! Healthier cheaper fluffier and flavorful! I hope you like it too!!
If you have any additional thoughts or questions drop them down below in the comment box! I would love to hear from you!
If you make homemade popcorn I would love to share in the joy with you! Tag @FamilyFoodFreezer on Insta or #familyfoodfreezer with your popcorn creations! <3
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If you want to know more about why popcorn is the way it is check out this article!